Thursday, January 10, 2013

Puffing Kittens

          This story is about two little kittens named Kiki and Cocoa. Kiki is a boy kitten and he is all white with the cutest blue eyes ever. Cocoa is a girl kitten that is completely black with golden eyes. Even though they don’t look anything alike they’re siblings. Brother and sister same mommy, don’t really know about the father. Let’s just say their mom gets around. But, that’s another story. This is about Kiki and Cocoa. They are the bestest friends and do everything together but go to the bathroom. They would go to the bathroom together but there’s only room for one kitten in the litter box at a time, creepy huh? Anyways, this a story about how they lose each other to drugs. When they went outside everyday they met the rotten kittens, the really bad ones. That steal and do drugs. They got tangled into the world of these bad kittens. One day, their mom found them puffing something! She grounded them, which made them run away. They almost died. But, the big cat cops picked them up. They went to rehab and got help for their drug addiction. Then they went to back to normal and did their fun stuff and games that most kittens do! It’s a stupid story right? But, it’s a story nonetheless! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Story Of The Pickle Farmer

Story Of The Pickle Farmer

There once was a pickle farmer, he didn’t farm anything else. Pickles were his passion. For the longest time he didn’t care about anything that didn’t involve pickles. In one word he was obsessed.  All he would eat was pickles he’d never tried anything else.
That was until he met the corn farmer’s daughter, Cornina. Her father was just as obsessed with corn as the pickle farmer was of pickles. When the pickle farmer, Rickle, first saw Cornina he didn’t believe there was anything more beautiful than a pickle. Before her it was impossible. When he heard her laugh he didn’t know any other sound could be better than the sound you get biting into a pickle. She simply was his Heaven. He realized he’s been in Limbo only knowing the ways of his pickles. Now with Cornina near he knew better, well at least until he found out she was the corn farmer’s daughter and all she eats is corn just like her father or so that is what people say. Only people don’t know she sneaks pickles from time to time. She loves both corn and pickles equally. She even asked the pickle farmer if she could have some of his pickles and he promised her all of his pickles and more. The more was basically marriage. And they lived happily ever after and eat corn from time to time now.