Thursday, December 27, 2012

Suicidal Pie


        There once was a pie, that committed suicide. This pie was a very cheerful one, that was in love. This Pie was in love with a buffalo. This buffalo was the biggest and knows that Sam is a hoe. Every girl object in the world wanted this buffalo. But, he thought everyone was a hoe well except the yummy Apple Pie. They both were in love. They would run in a field of flowers every afternoon! They would hold hands but they don’t have any. Sad time. But instead the Apple Pie would ride on the buffalo’s back. One day they decided to get married. But, it turns out to be that the buffalo was to be married to a guy. This guy was a really hot guy all the human girls wanted but it turned out that he was gay and into really big buffaloes. So, they both got married! The Apple Pie gets depressed! So, she decides to commit suicide. She went to a diner and put herself on sell. A lovely couple, that are in love decided to eat some apple pie. The image of the couple made the Apple Pie even sadder so it was happy when she got eaten! She couldn’t live in the world without Buffalo. Now, the Apple Pie is in a better place. At least until tomorrow.

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