Thursday, December 27, 2012

Suicidal Pie


        There once was a pie, that committed suicide. This pie was a very cheerful one, that was in love. This Pie was in love with a buffalo. This buffalo was the biggest and knows that Sam is a hoe. Every girl object in the world wanted this buffalo. But, he thought everyone was a hoe well except the yummy Apple Pie. They both were in love. They would run in a field of flowers every afternoon! They would hold hands but they don’t have any. Sad time. But instead the Apple Pie would ride on the buffalo’s back. One day they decided to get married. But, it turns out to be that the buffalo was to be married to a guy. This guy was a really hot guy all the human girls wanted but it turned out that he was gay and into really big buffaloes. So, they both got married! The Apple Pie gets depressed! So, she decides to commit suicide. She went to a diner and put herself on sell. A lovely couple, that are in love decided to eat some apple pie. The image of the couple made the Apple Pie even sadder so it was happy when she got eaten! She couldn’t live in the world without Buffalo. Now, the Apple Pie is in a better place. At least until tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Death of a Squid

The Death of a Squid

         Once upon a time there was a boy squid named Tina. Tina wasn’t a very happy squid because all the other squids would make fun of him because of his name. His parents were high when they named him. But they couldn’t change it because it states in the Squid’s Rules of Life that’s it is forbidden to change a name or they would be force to go to the place where the fishermen’s docks. Tina was always home-schooled and never been to a real school before.
 One day Tina was going to his freshman year of school. He went to his first class of the day. The teacher was calling out people in the class, “Bert?” This totally hottie pants girl squid said seductive voice, “Here.” Tina was totally taken over by her beauty. Then, the teacher called out, “Bob?” This super macho squid the all the girl squid swooned over him. “Here!” he said as all the girls awed. “Tina?” The teacher said. “Here!” This really cute squid who was really upset when everyone started laughing like they were all expecting a girl to answer to the name. “Ha ha that guy has a girl’s name!” Then, Bert stood up and yelled, “Hey, stop it’s not his fault!” That happened most of the day so when Tina got home he tried to find a way to change his name. But, the state officials found out and barged into his house and forced him to go to the fishermen’s dock. But, back in town Bert heard of the horrible happening and race to go save Tina because Bert loves him. When she got there she saw him and started for him even faster. She got to him and confessed her love for him! And he did the same. But as they leaned in to share their kiss the fisherman’s net came towards them. They couldn’t get out in time so the fisherman got them and sold them to a Red Lobster and they got to live in a tank for a couple for days until these Chinese people asked for Calamari so they chef at the restaurant took them out of the tank and then killed them both severing then as a dinner. 


Monday, December 17, 2012

The Prince and the Princess (my very first short story)

The greatest stories are love stories. This is one of the best love stories anybody has heard for it’s about true love, heroes, foes, and sadly death.
            This story happened to be in the late 1400’s in Europe.  It’s about a princess and prince who were in love since they were little. Their names were Princess Valentine and Prince Laramie. Princess Valentine had a magical gift of health and could heal people with broken hearts.  Prince Laramie had a magical gift too; with his tears he could make people fall in love. The Princess and Prince never told anyone about their feelings for each other. Every time they saw each other they wanted so badly to tell each other about how they felt but they were afraid that the other one wouldn’t love them back. So for a long time they didn’t know about each other’s feelings. Then they finally find out about their love for one another.
            It all started on the very first day of summer. They hadn’t seen each other since last summer for they lived in different countries and only saw one another during this time of year. Princess Valentine lived in France with her parents: King Malory who was French and Queen Elizabeth who was British like Prince Laramie, whose mother was best friends with Princess Valentine’s mother and this was the only time they can visit one another. Well when Prince Laramie came to France he always brings his best friend Clark with him. There was something very evil about Clark but no one knows this….yet. Clark was also in love with the princess for she was very beautiful with her long brown hair and big blue eyes she got from her mother, and very soft and lovely skin, she was also skinny but not too skinny- just the right size for a very beautiful girl. She never had to wear make-up because there was no reason to, and, well, she hated the stuff too! Princess Valentine’s best friend was named Vega. Vega was jealous of Valentine’s beauty and life. Vega was very bitter, unlike Valentine’s kindness for everyone. Vega wanted Prince Laramie to love her. So you can see there was something going to happen with in these days. Laramie and Valentine spent most of the day together, wanting to tell one another of their feelings like always. Clark was in his room, planning to do something. Vega too was planning something.
            Laramie and Valentine usually walk around, sometimes Laramie would stop and cry with his tears someone around them would fall in love with one that loves them. These affects aren’t forever they only last for a little while but after it stops the person has a choice that he or she could stay in love with them or stop at that very moment. Valentine also helped people by saying French words “Soyez heureux” which means “be happy” then their broken heart is healed and they are healthy. When they see each other do these deeds they fall more in love with each other.
            When they got back to the castle they found out that Queen Elizabeth and Gypsy (Laramie’s mother) were throwing a Ball.
                                    “We are having a ball for the first day of summer.” They were very excited about it. The girls didn’t know what to wear to the ball but Laramie and Clark did.
            It came time for the ball, Valentine was wearing a light green silk dress with yellow roses and dark green leaves sewed on the dress. Vega was wearing a pretty white one nothing very special about it. It was just pretty. When Valentine saw Laramie- with his black hair and brown eyes he was very handsome. Her heart skipped a beat then she choked out, “Hello, you look very nice.”
Then he replied, “Same to you.” They dance with each other for a while, and then Prince Laramie declared, “You are a wonderful dancer.”
Princess Valentine confessed, “You too.” Later Princess Valentine was dancing with Clark.
Clark asked, “What are you doing tomorrow? Because, I thought we could go horseback riding and have a picnic.” She thought about it for a while and finally answered, “Yes”
Prince Laramie was dancing with Vega. Vega flirted, “What are you doing tomorrow?” Now it’s time to know this is one part of their plans. “Because I thought we could go swimming in the lake.
He replied saying, “Yes.” They dance with a few other people and then the ball was over. There was more to Clark’s plans.
            The next day Princess Valentine and Clark went horseback riding and had a picnic and here’s how it went.
            Clark made sure they would ride on the same horse. No one knows how he went about this but he did. They had good food on the picnic. Clark said, “You are very beautiful.”
Prince Laramie and Vega went swimming at the local lake, because it was a prefect day there was a lot of people there. She was mad because she wanted to be alone with him. They went swimming for a while then she told him. “You are very handsome.” She tried kissing him but he turned away for he did not love her. She got even madder, so they went home.
Back to Princess Valentine and Clark, they were still having a wonderful time. When they were done they got back on the horse and went back to the castle when they got off the horse, Clark grabbed her hands. When this happened Prince Laramie was watching and he thought that Princess Valentine loved Clark because the way they were looking at each other.
            The next day Valentine and Laramie got together and talk about the day before. Laramie told her about what happened and Vega trying to kiss him. Valentine got mad. Then she told him about how much fun she had and what a good time too. She left out the part about Clark holding her hands; she didn’t want to get him mad. But, he got mad because she left it out. So he blurted out, “What about the part when you guys were holding hands and looking at each other romantically, don’t say you didn’t because I saw you too. Do you love him?”
She replied, “No, he grabbed my hands before I could stop him! Why should you care anyways it’s not like you love me?”
He replied, “I have to go I’m late for buying you a birthday present.”
            The next day was Princess Valentine’s birthday; she was turning 17 years old. She is now a year younger then Laramie and Clark, but a year older than Vega who’s birthday is in winter. Today Valentine was going to wear the most beautiful dress she owned a purple and blue dress with butterflies on it. There was going to be a ball that night but before that there was a dinner for family and friends at that dinner she got her presents. From her parents a locket with two purple petals in it. From Queen Gypsy she got purple earrings. From Laramie a ring one of most beautiful rings in the world. What she got from Clark was a big shock.
Clark asked, “Will you marry me?”
She replied, “No, I can’t I don’t love you.” But this was even a bigger shock; her dad told them,
            “Valentine, you wouldn’t be able to marry him even if you loved him because you have an arranged marriage to the prince of Spain.”
            “What we didn’t tell you?” 
            “No you didn’t tell!” Valentine thought the ring Clark was going to give her was ugly. That night at the ball Vega finally gave her present, it was another ring it was okay, but Laramie’s was the best. At the ball Valentine only danced with Laramie. Even when someone asked her she said no. She wasn’t in the mood to dance with anyone else but Laramie.
            The next few weeks the Prince of Spain Hidalgo came and Valentine and him were getting to know one another and planning the wedding. The wedding is set for August 1st. But, now July 18th King Malory got really sick and two days later, he died. Clark has gone crazy with jealousy. On July 30th he planned to kill Hidalgo, when he did he framed no other then his best friend Laramie. Then Clark pretended to find his dead body and pieces of Laramie clothing next to his body, this was a part of his plan and that is to get rid of anyone who stands in the way of him marring Valentine. When Valentine heard about Hidalgo’s murder and how it is suppose to be Laramie who did it she didn’t believe them. She spent the whole day looking for the truth and at eight o’clock at night she realized that the clothing in the room was Laramie but he threw it out in June. Then she realized another he was with her all day and they talk all night so it could have been him, and there is only one person it could be, because Vega went to England, and the only person left is Clark who is totally in love with her. So she went to the guards and said “They have to let Laramie go because it wasn’t him it was Clark!”  One of the guards said,
            “Princess Valentine if this is true we better hurry and get the prince out or he is going to hate us!” The other one said.
            “I’ll go and get more guards and we’ll get Clark!”
            The next day was August 1st the day of the wedding none of the guest knew about his death but Queen Elizabeth told them that they’re allowed to stay. At that moment in Valentine‘s room with Laramie, Laramie has a surprise for her, going ask her to marry him. But, her heart was broken and she was really sad. Laramie said,
“Princess Valentine I love and loved you ever since we were little. Will you marry me?” and Valentine said,
            “I’ve been waiting for you to say that for a long time.” Then her heart was healed because of the word love. They got married that day and as a wedding present they got two dogs, as they kissed for the first time as King and Queen, the dogs did too with their noses rubbing together. THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVERAFTER.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No Time to Write!

I've had no time to write lately! SO much homework, so many exams! I'm so stressed that I can't write even when I know I could get some writing in. I have so many ideas coming to me but I can't write them out without the time to. It's driving me crazy. I love school and all but I'm done with it! I just want time to do what I want to do and not what my teacher is telling me I need to do! I have to go MORE HOMEWORK!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So excited about So There!

So There! is now being sold on Create space and Amazon! Check it out! Share the news with your friends! You won't be disappointed when you read So There! But again I'm bias about this book! Here's a link to it!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Music to Books

I always had this idea of taking different bands and using all their songs to come up with a story line. I'm hoping one day to do it even though I know it will take a lot of research and planning but I just love the idea so much. I even started with the songs of Bare Naked Ladies but I only picked a few of their songs. I think the best way that I'm going to do this if I use all of the bands song to make the story and not just a few on them. This idea actually came about when I was listening to Bare Naked Ladies' song, "One Week". It has always been one of my favorite songs. I'm thinking that I'll just write a short story with the song "One Week" to get started and in the mind set of using lyrics for the idea of a whole book. I've always had a song or two in mind when I start stories but the books aren't based off the song just a line or two that I really enjoyed. An example of this is A Fine Frenzy's "Almost Lover" I love the line "Luckless Romance" and I used that as a base for one of my stories. I already knew from the beginning that the relationship is doomed. I'm always having that happy endings and just once I want to leave to reader wanting more because a lot of books do that to me. Anyways, be on the look out of the short story based on "One Week" because I'm going to start it soon and put it up on here. It will have all of the nonsense of the free style rap in the song. The characters will eat chicken and watch X flies in the dark!
Three Fors, Andrea

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Identity Crisis of Me

So my name's Andrea Danielle Tracy. I love my name but when I first was working with my sister on a cover for my book we were trying to come up with a different name for me. We both agreed that you really wouldn't buy a book from a girl named Andrea Tracy. So we tried many variation of my name and adding words to make my name sound better. Some examples: Andrea Danielle, Annie Danielle (which is why my twitter account has this name), Danielle Almond (Almond after the street we grew up on) and Alla Mine (just because it sounds like "all of mine"). We even went on an anagram site to see what the letter of my names would come up with. My whole name came up with "ARRANTLY ACE DEADLINE"  which doesn't make a very good name. We got a little sidetracked by the anagrams of our names the best probably being,  WELL! UNHINGED RACISM just because we thought it was the funniest of all the names we tried. I've been known by many variation of my name growing up I was Andi, then Annie, sometimes Andi Dandi but I was always Andrea Tracy. You wouldn't be able to find the on my Facebook because I'm not the only Andrea Tracy in my family. I had a cousin marry someone named Andrea, I didn't worry about it until after I was having a bad day and I wrote that on Facebook when another cousin of mine confused me with the other Andrea who's married while I am not. This just added to my crapping mood so I changed my name on Facebook to the nickname my sister gave me, Annie. I always had my middle name and look nothing like the other Andrea so I still wonder how we could have ever been mixed up. It won't happen again. I use the name Andrea Tracy on my book covers but inside so everyone knows which Andrea Tracy did it I write my whole name right after the book title. Just my way of being myself because I don't want any confusion. 
Three Fors, Andrea

So There!

I think I finally got it as close to perfect as possible. I've edited and edited over and over. I've had others read and give me advice and I think that really helped! I had to do a lot of formatting and reformatting even after I finished with the story itself. It takes a lot of work to Self-publish. You almost always have to rely on yourself to make the book as best as possible. It's really no one else responsibility even if it was published by a real publishing company with an Editor, I know I would still be responsible for my own book. I know I make a lot of mistakes when I write and I miss a lot of them while editing but I edit  until I'm completely happy with the book. I wouldn't want to send out something that is beyond crap. Anyways, this post is supposed to be about the fact that So There! will soon be available in paperback! Don't miss out on an awesome read. I might be bias though....
Three Fors, Andrea

The Three Fors

First off, "Three Fors" stands for "Forever and ever, for now and for always." I came up with it when I was about fifteen years old. It was going to be for a story I was writing at the time but it didn't pan out very well but ever since then the Three Fors have always stuck with me. I'm hoping one day I can write an epic love story where the couple says that they will love each other, "Forever and ever, for now and for always."  I'm Andrea Tracy and this blog some other pages I have made is to help promote my writing. So far I've published So There! and The Grace of Running. Both are on sell at Amazon and Create Space. Check them out. You really won't be disappointed. Other than just promoting my writing I will also post quotes from my books, parts I like the most and new ideas for different stories. I hope you enjoy my blog.
Three Fors, Andrea